Pulse Kit with Grow One

Brand: Urvara Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.

Categories: Certified Organic Products, Bio Combo Kits,

Availability: In Stock

Cash on delivery Availability: NO

Price: Rs 1,666.00 Rs 1,415.00
Pulse Kit with Grow One
Click here to see Organic Certificates of Urvara Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.

Pulse kit is a collection of products that add value to pulse crops during growth and fruiting stage. Kit contains products that help in vigorous germination & growth (Grow one), control larva that bore holes into pods (Larvecon), control soil borne fungal infections (Dcon) and helps in stress management (Maxgrow and Biosil) as well as waste decomposer culture for soil health.
Dosage: Use kit for 1 acre for 1 application.
Recommended: Use at least 2 kits for better results.
Respective product information:
  • Growone
Growone is 100% organic product that helps break dormancy and quick germination as compared to non-treated seeds. It helps provide vigorous growth to young saplings by making available nutrition from soil. The consortium helps release trapped nutrients from soil and make them available to young roots. Increased availability helps the sapling have good growth rate. The consortia with its numerical strength around roots also help prevent soil borne infections by competing with disease causing microbe for substrate and nutrients.
  • Maxgrow
Maxgrow is an organic product that promotes branching and growth in plants / crops. It also helps tackle biotic and abiotic stress during unfavourable climatic conditions. It is ideal to use this product during growth stage of crops.
Crops: This product should be used for all types of vegetables like tomato, chilli, brinjal, etc. as well for fruit plantations like banana.
  • Biosil 
Biosil is 100% organic product that provides essential silica and zinc that improves plant immunity and helps in overall growth stages of plant. It helps by making available silica and zinc trapped in soil by releasing them with their metabolites over time. Because of this plant get better immunity and tolerance due to increased availability of zinc and silica. These elements also help in growth in some plants like rice saplings. When sprayed on rice 5-7 days after planting, it increases the growth rate of rice crop. This can be given to all vegetable crops and plantation crop like sugarcane etc.
  • Larvecon
Larvecon is 100% organic product that controls larva that eat leaves / flowers / bores holes in fruits / pods / vegetables / roots / stems of plant. It contains entomopathogenic fungi that infect larvae and bring their infestation under control.
Crops: It can be used on all crops / fruit plantations.
  • Dcon  
Dcon is a 100% organic product that controls soil and seed borne infections and help control fungal infections like root rot etc. caused by fungus like Phytophthora spp.
Crops: It is useful for crops turmeric, ginger etc. where soil borne infections can harm the entire crop.
Precautions: Use masks to prevent breathing of aerosols. Use gloves when handling product. If one comes in contact directly with product then wash with plenty of water and soap. Mild irritation may be there. Consult Dr immediately for symptomatic treatment.
Manufactured by: Urvara Marketing Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Marketed by: Urvara Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.