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Skylet Auto Switch DOL (WTF) Description: Applicable to any HP Motor Auto start with on t.....

Skylet Auto Switch DOL (WTF) - T Description: Auto start with on time  delay for Direc.....

Skylet Auto Switch DOL (WTF) with Wire Description: Applicable to any HP Motor Auto start.....

Skylet Auto Switch Semi (WDS) Description: Auto start with Double time delay (WDS) for SEMI.....

Skylet Auto Switch Semi (WDS) with Wire Description: Auto start with Double time delay (WDS.....

Skylet Change Over Switch COS

Rs 1,770.00
Rs 1,729.00

Skylet Change Over Switch COS Description: Protection against over load & short circuit.....

Skylet Mini Auto Switch DOL (x'mer) Description: Auto start with on time  delay fo.....

Skylet Mini Auto Switch Semi (Premium) Description: Auto start with Double time delay for S.....

Skylet Single Phase Auto Switch SSA Description: Auto Start Facility. On time delay provi.....