Ridomil Gold - Metalaxyl M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 1 Kg

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Ridomil Gold - Metalaxyl M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 1 Kg

Technical: Metalaxyl M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP
1 Kg Packing

Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold® SL protects potatoes, grapes, tobacco, vegetables, citrus, tomato, turf, and ornamentals from soilborne oomycete diseases. Ridomil Gold SL also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.
Specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. late blight and downy mildew diseases).
Can be applied to foliage, soil, or as a seed treatment.


  • Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases.
  • Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties.
  • Flexible application methods for at-planting treatment.
  • Easy-to-use formulation.
Recommendations from Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee:
Crop Name Common Name of the Diseases Dosage per Hectare Waiting Period (in days)
Formulation (gm/ %) Dilution in Water (Litre)
Grapes Downy mildew 0.25% or
2500 gm
500-1000 8
Potato Late blight 0.25% or
2500 gm
500-1000 24
Black pepper Phytophthora
foot rot
0.25% or
2500 gm
2 L/vine as folliar spray and 3 L/vine as soil drench Not less than 21
Mustard Downy mildew,
White rust
0.25% or
1000 60
Chilli- nursery (soil drenching) Damping off 0.30% or
3 g /L water
2.0 L/m2 53
Pomegranate Leaf spot & Fruit spot 0.25% or
2.5 g /L water
500 (or depending upon age of tree) 5

Manufactured by: Syngenta India Ltd.

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